Boleto is a method you can use to charge your customers or fund your Stark Bank account. Here, we will guide you how to create and manage boletos
For each environment:
Boleto is a resource that can be used to receive payments from your clients.
import starkbank boletos = starkbank.boleto.create([ starkbank.Boleto( amount=400000, name="Iron Bank S.A.", tax_id="20.018.183/0001-80", street_line_1="Av. Faria Lima, 1844", street_line_2="CJ 13", district="Itaim Bibi", city="São Paulo", state_code="SP", zip_code="01500-000", ) ]) for boleto in boletos: print(boleto)
const starkbank = require('starkbank'); (async() => { let boletos = await starkbank.boleto.create([ { amount: 400000, name: 'Iron Bank S.A.', taxId: '20.018.183/0001-80', streetLine1: 'Av. Faria Lima, 1844', streetLine2: 'CJ 13', district: 'Itaim Bibi', city: 'São Paulo', stateCode: 'SP', zipCode: '01500-000' }, ]); for (let boleto of boletos) { console.log(boleto); } })();
$boletos = StarkBank\Boleto::create([ new StarkBank\Boleto([ "amount" => 400000, "name" => "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId" => "20.018.183/0001-80", "streetLine1" => "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2" => "CJ 13", "district" => "Itaim Bibi", "city" => "São Paulo", "stateCode" => "SP", "zipCode" => "01500-000" ]) ]); foreach($boletos as $boleto){ print_r($boleto); }
import com.starkbank.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; List<Boleto> boletos = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("amount", 400000); data.put("name", "Iron Bank S.A."); data.put("taxId", "20.018.183/0001-80"); data.put("streetLine1", "Av. Faria Lima, 1844"); data.put("streetLine2", "CJ 13"); data.put("district", "Itaim Bibi"); data.put("city", "São Paulo"); data.put("stateCode", "SP"); data.put("zipCode", "01500-000"); boletos.add(new Boleto(data)); boletos = Boleto.create(boletos); for (Boleto boleto : boletos){ System.out.println(boleto); }
require('starkbank') boletos = StarkBank::Boleto.create( [ amount: 400000, name: 'Iron Bank S.A.', street_line_1: 'Av. Faria Lima, 1844', street_line_2: 'CJ 13', city: 'São Paulo', state_code: 'SP', zip_code: '01500-000', tax_id: '20.018.183/0001-80' ) ] ) boletos.each do |boleto| puts boleto end
boletos = StarkBank.Boleto.create!([ %StarkBank.Boleto{ amount: 400000, name: "Iron Bank S.A.", street_line_1: "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", street_line_2: "CJ 13", district: "Itaim Bibi", city: "São Paulo", state_code: "SP", zip_code: "01500-000", tax_id: "20.018.183/0001-80", } ]) for payment <- payments do payment |> IO.inspect end
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; List<StarkBank.Boleto> boletos = StarkBank.Boleto.Create( new List<StarkBank.Boleto> { new StarkBank.Boleto( amount: 400000, name: "Iron Bank S.A.", streetLine1: "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", streetLine2: "CJ 13", district: "Itaim Bibi", city: "Sao Paulo", stateCode: "SP", zipCode: "01500-000", taxID: "20.018.183/0001-80" ) } ); foreach(StarkBank.Boleto boleto in boletos) { Console.WriteLine(boleto); }
package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func main() { boletos, err := boleto.Create( []boleto.Boleto{ { Amount: 400000, Name: "Iron Bank S.A.", TaxId: "20.018.183/0001-80", StreetLine1: "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", StreetLine2: "CJ 13", District: "Itaim Bibi", City: "São Paulo", StateCode: "SP", ZipCode: "01500-000" }, nil) if err.Errors != nil { for _, e := range err.Errors { panic(fmt.Sprintf("code: %s, message: %s", e.Code, e.Message)) } } for _, boleto := range boletos { fmt.Printf("%+v", boleto) } }
(def boletos (starkbank.boleto/create [{ :amount 400000 :name "Iron Bank S.A." :street-line-1 "Av. Faria Lima, 1844" :street-line-2 "CJ 13" :district "Itaim Bibi" :city "São Paulo" :state-code "SP" :zip-code "01500-000" :tax-id "20.018.183/0001-80" }])) (dorun (map println boletos))
curl --location --request POST '{{baseUrl}}/v2/boleto' --header 'Access-Id: {{accessId}}' --header 'Access-Time: {{accessTime}}' --header 'Access-Signature: {{accessSignature}}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "boletos": [ { "amount": 400000, "name": "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId": "20.018.183/0001-80", "streetLine1": "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2": "CJ 13", "district": "Itaim Bibi", "city": "São Paulo", "stateCode": "SP", "zipCode": "01500-000" }, ] }'
Boleto( id=6655767935451136, amount=400000, bar_code=34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000, city=São Paulo, created=2020-04-23 23:36:08.129614, descriptions=[], discounts=[], district=Itaim Bibi, due=2020-05-21, fee=0, fine=2.0, interest=1.0, line=34191.09107 07175.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000, name=Iron Bank S.A., our_number=10445145, transaction_ids=[], overdue_limit=59, receiver_name=Winterfell S. A., receiver_tax_id=71.735.814/0001-12, state_code=SP, status=created, street_line_1=Av. Faria Lima, 1844, street_line_2=CJ 13, tags=[], tax_id=20.018.183/0001-80, zip_code=01500-000, workspace_id=5083989094170624 )
Boleto { id: '6655767935451136', amount: 400000, name: 'Iron Bank S.A.', taxId: '20.018.183/0001-80', streetLine1: 'Av. Faria Lima, 1844', streetLine2: 'CJ 13', district: 'Itaim Bibi', city: 'São Paulo', stateCode: 'SP', zipCode: '01500-000', due: '2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00', fine: 2.0, interest: 1.0, ourNumber: '10445145', transactionIds: [], overdueLimit: 59, receiverName: 'Winterfell S.A.', receiverTaxId: '71.735.814/0001-12', tags: [], descriptions: [], discounts: [], fee: 0, line: '34191.09107 07176.307309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000', barCode: '34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000', status: 'created', created: '2020-04-23T23:36:10.789288+00:00', workspaceId: '5083989094170624' }
StarkBank\Boleto Object ( [id] => 6655767935451136 [amount] => 400000 [name] => Iron Bank S.A. [taxId] => 20.018.183/0001-80 [streetLine1] => Av. Faria Lima, 1844 [streetLine2] => CJ 13 [district] => Itaim Bibi [city] => São Paulo [stateCode] => SP [zipCode] => 01500-000 [due] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2020-05-21 02:59:59.999999 [timezone_type] => 1 [timezone] => +00:00 ) [fine] => 2.0 [interest] => 1.0 [ourNumber] => 10445145 [transactionIds] => Array ( ) [overdueLimit] => 59 [receiverName] => Winterfell S.A. [receiverTaxId] => 71.735.814/0001-12 [tags] => Array ( ) [descriptions] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( ) [fee] => 0 [line] => 34191.09107 07150.227309 71444.640008 7 82610000400000 [barCode] => 34197826100004000001091007150227307144464000 [status] => created [created] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2020-04-22 20:12:56.830070 [timezone_type] => 1 [timezone] => +00:00 ) [workspaceId] => 5083989094170624 )
Boleto({ "id": "6655767935451136", "amount": "400000", "name": "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId": "20.018.183/0001-80", "streetLine1": "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2": "CJ 13", "district": "Itaim Bibi", "city": "São Paulo", "stateCode": "SP", "zipCode": "01500-000", "due": "2020-04-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "fine": 2.0, "interest": 1.0, "ourNumber": "10445145", "workspaceId": "5083989094170624", "transactionIds": [], "overdueLimit": 59, "receiverName": "Winterfell S.A.", "receiverTaxId": "71.735.814/0001-12", "tags": [], "descriptions": [], "discounts": [], "fee": 0, "line": "34191.09107 07027.987309 71444.640008 5 82310000400000", "barCode": "34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000", "status": "created", "created": "2020-04-23T23:28:13+00:00" "workspaceId": "5083989094170624" })
boleto( id: 6655767935451136, amount: 400000, name: Iron Bank S.A., tax_id: 20.018.183/0001-80, street_line_1: Av. Faria Lima, 1844, street_line_2: CJ 13, district: Itaim Bibi, city: São Paulo, state_code: SP, zip_code: 01500-000, due: 2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00, fine: 2.0, interest: 1.0, our_number: 10445145, transaction_ids: [], overdue_limit: 59, receiver_name: Winterfell S.A., receiver_tax_id: 71.735.814/0001-12, tags: [], descriptions: [], discounts: [], fee: 0, line: 34191.09107 07149.917309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000, bar_code: 34191826100004000001091007149917307144464000, status: created, created: 2020-04-23T19:59:25+00:00 workspace_id: 5083989094170624 )
%StarkBank.Boleto{ amount: 400000, bar_code: "34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000", city: "São Paulo", created: ~U[2020-04-23 17:41:58.458035Z], descriptions: [], discounts: [], district: "Itaim Bibi", due: ~U[2020-05-21 02:59:59.999999Z], fee: 0, fine: 2.0, id: "6655767935451136", interest: 1.0, line: "34191.09107 07156.837309 71444.640008 8 82610000400000", name: "Iron Bank S.A.", our_number: "10445145", transaction_ids: [], overdue_limit: 59, receiver_name: "Winterfell S.A.", receiver_tax_id: "71.735.814/0001-12", state_code: "SP", status: "created", street_line_1: "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", street_line_2: "CJ 13", tags: [], tax_id: "20.018.183/0001-80", zip_code: "01500-000", workspace_id: "5083989094170624" }
Boleto( Amount: 400000, Name: Iron Bank S.A., TaxID: 20.018.183/0001-80, StreetLine1: Av. Faria Lima, 1844, StreetLine2: CJ 13, District: Itaim Bibi, City: Sao Paulo, StateCode: SP, ZipCode: 01500-000, Due: 05/21/2020 23:59:59, Fine: 2.0, Interest: 1.0, OverdueLimit: 59, OurNumber: 10445145, TransactionIds: { }, ReceiverName: Wintefell S.A., ReceiverTaxID: 71.735.814/0001-12, Tags: { }, Descriptions: { }, Discounts: { }, Fee: 0, Line: 34191.09107 07159.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000, BarCode: 34191826100004000001091007159647307144464000, Status: created, Created: 04/23/2020 15:53:22, WorkspaceId: 5083989094170624 ID: 6655767935451136 )
{ Id:6655767935451136 Amount:400000 Name:Iron Bank S.A. TaxId:20.018.183/0001-80 StreetLine1:Av. Faria Lima, 1844 StreetLine2:CJ 13 District:Itaim Bibi City:São Paulo StateCode:SP ZipCode:01500-000 Due:2020-05-21 02:59:59.999999 +0000 +0000 Fine:2.0 Interest:1.0 OverdueLimit:59 Descriptions:[] Discounts:[] Tags:[] ReceiverName:Winterfell S.A. ReceiverTaxId:71.735.814/0001-12 Fee:0 Line:34191.09107 44555.427309 71444.640008 4 92570000400000 BarCode:34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000 Status:created TransactionIds:[] WorkspaceId:5083989094170624 Created:2020-04-23 03:18:33.515597 +0000 +0000 OurNumber:10445554 }
{:amount 400000, :fee 0, :tags [], :street-line-1 "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", :name "Iron Bank S.A.", :state-code "SP", :city "São Paulo", :tax-id "20.018.183/0001-80", :our-number "10445145", :transaction-ids [], :overdue-limit 59, :receiver-name "Winterfell S.A." :receiver-tax-id "71.735.814/0001-12" :created "2020-04-23T19:14:43.125462+00:00", :discounts [], :due "2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00", :street-line-2 "CJ 13", :line "34191.09107 07322.097309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000", :status "created", :interest 1.3, :id "6655767935451136", :fine 2.5, :zip-code "01500-000", :bar-code "34191826100004000001091007322097307144464000", :descriptions [], :district "Itaim Bibi"}
{ "message": "Boleto(s) successfully created", "boletos": [ { "id": "6655767935451136", "status": "created", "line": "34191.09107 07175.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000", "barCode": "34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000", "amount": 400000, "due": "2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "name": "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId": "20.018.183/0001-80", "fine": 2.0, "interest": 1.0, "ourNumber": "10445145", "transactionIds": [], "overdueLimit": 59, "receiverName": "Winterfell S.A.", "receiverTaxId": "71.735.814/0001-12", "streetLine1": "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2": "CJ 13", "district": "Itaim Bibi", "city": "São Paulo", "stateCode": "SP", "zipCode": "01500-000", "tags": [], "workspaceId": "5083989094170624", "fee": 0, "descriptions": [], "discounts": [], "workspaceId": "5083989094170624" } ] }
Due: By adding this parameter, you can set the due date of the requested payment in ISO format.
import starkbank boletos = starkbank.boleto.create([ starkbank.Boleto( amount=400000, due="2020-05-20", name="Iron Bank S.A.", tax_id="20.018.183/0001-80", fine=2.5, interest=1.3, overdue_limit=5, street_line_1="Av. Faria Lima, 1844", street_line_2="CJ 13", district="Itaim Bibi", city="São Paulo", state_code="SP", zip_code="01500-000" ) ]) for boleto in boletos: print(boleto)
const starkbank = require('starkbank'); (async() => { let boletos = await starkbank.boleto.create([ { amount: 400000, name: 'Iron Bank S.A.', taxId: '20.018.183/0001-80', streetLine1: 'Av. Faria Lima, 1844', streetLine2: 'CJ 13', district: 'Itaim Bibi', city: 'São Paulo', stateCode: 'SP', zipCode: '01500-000', due: '2020-05-20', fine: 2.5, interest: 1.3, overdueLimit: 5 }, ]); for (let boleto of boletos) { console.log(boleto); } })();
$boletos = StarkBank\Boleto::create([ new StarkBank\Boleto([ "amount" => 400000, "name" => "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId" => "20.018.183/0001-80", "streetLine1" => "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2" => "CJ 13", "district" => "Itaim Bibi", "city" => "São Paulo", "stateCode" => "SP", "zipCode" => "01500-000", "due" => "2020-05-20", "fine" => 2.5, "interest" => 1.3, "overdueLimit" => 5 ]) ]); foreach($boletos as $boleto){ print_r($boleto); }
import com.starkbank.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; List<Boleto> boletos = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("amount", 400000); data.put("name", "Iron Bank S.A."); data.put("taxId", "20.018.183/0001-80"); data.put("streetLine1", "Av. Faria Lima, 1844"); data.put("streetLine2", "CJ 13"); data.put("district", "Itaim Bibi"); data.put("city", "São Paulo"); data.put("stateCode", "SP"); data.put("zipCode", "01500-000"); data.put("due", "2020-05-20"); data.put("fine", 2.5); data.put("interest", 1.3); data.put("overdueLimit", 5); boletos.add(new Boleto(data)); boletos = Boleto.create(boletos); for (Boleto boleto : boletos){ System.out.println(boleto); }
require('starkbank') boletos = StarkBank::Boleto.create( [ amount: 400000, due: '2020-05-20', name: 'Iron Bank S.A.', street_line_1: 'Av. Faria Lima, 1844', street_line_2: 'CJ 13', district: 'Itaim Bibi', city: 'São Paulo', state_code: 'SP', zip_code: '01500-000', tax_id: '20.018.183/0001-80', overdue_limit: 5, fine: 2.5, interest: 1.3 ) ] ) boletos.each do |boleto| puts boleto end
boletos = StarkBank.Boleto.create!([ %StarkBank.Boleto{ amount: 400000, due: "2020-05-20", name: "Iron Bank S.A.", street_line_1: "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", street_line_2: "CJ 13", district: "Itaim Bibi", city: "São Paulo", state_code: "SP", zip_code: "01500-000", tax_id: "20.018.183/0001-80", overdue_limit: 5, fine: 2.5, interest: 1.3 } ]) for payment <- payments do payment |> IO.inspect end
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; List<StarkBank.Boleto> boletos = StarkBank.Boleto.Create( new List<StarkBank.Boleto> { new StarkBank.Boleto( amount: 400000, due: new DateTime(2020, 5, 20), name: "Iron Bank S.A.", streetLine1: "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", streetLine2: "CJ 13", district: "Itaim Bibi", city: "Sao Paulo", stateCode: "SP", zipCode: "01500-000", taxID: "20.018.183/0001-80", overdueLimit: 5, fine: 2.5, interest: 1.3 ) } ); foreach(StarkBank.Boleto boleto in boletos) { Console.WriteLine(boleto); }
package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func main() { due := time.Date(2020, 05, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) boletos, err := boleto.Create( []boleto.Boleto{ { Amount: 400000, Due: &due, Name: "Iron Bank S.A.", TaxId: "20.018.183/0001-80", Fine: 2.5, Interest: 1.3, OverdueLimit: 5, StreetLine1: "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", StreetLine2: "CJ 13", District: "Itaim Bibi", City: "São Paulo", StateCode: "SP", ZipCode: "01500-000" }, }, nil) if err.Errors != nil { for _, e := range err.Errors { panic(fmt.Sprintf("code: %s, message: %s", e.Code, e.Message)) } } for _, boleto := range boletos { fmt.Printf("%+v", boleto) } }
(def boletos (starkbank.boleto/create [{ :amount 400000 :due "2020-05-20" :name "Iron Bank S.A." :street-line-1 "Av. Faria Lima, 1844" :street-line-2 "CJ 13" :district "Itaim Bibi" :city "São Paulo" :state-code "SP" :zip-code "01500-000" :tax-id "20.018.183/0001-80" :overdue-limit 5 :fine 2.5 :interest 1.3 }])) (dorun (map println boletos))
curl --location --request POST '{{baseUrl}}/v2/boleto' --header 'Access-Id: {{accessId}}' --header 'Access-Time: {{accessTime}}' --header 'Access-Signature: {{accessSignature}}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "boletos": [ { "amount": 400000, "due": "2020-05-20", "name": "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId": "20.018.183/0001-80", "fine": 2.5, "interest": 1.3, "overdueLimit": 5, "streetLine1": "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2": "CJ 13", "district": "Itaim Bibi", "city": "São Paulo", "stateCode": "SP", "zipCode": "01500-000" }, ] }'
Boleto( id=6655767935451136, amount=400000, bar_code=34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000, city=São Paulo, created=2020-04-23 23:36:08.129614, descriptions=[], discounts=[], district=Itaim Bibi, due=2020-05-21, fee=0, fine=2.5, interest=1.3, line=34191.09107 07175.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000, name=Iron Bank S.A., our_number=10445145, transaction_ids=[], overdue_limit=5, receiver_name=Winterfell S. A., receiver_tax_id=71.735.814/0001-12, state_code=SP, status=created, street_line_1=Av. Faria Lima, 1844, street_line_2=CJ 13, tags=[], tax_id=20.018.183/0001-80, zip_code=01500-000, workspace_id=5083989094170624 )
Boleto { id: '6655767935451136', amount: 400000, name: 'Iron Bank S.A.', taxId: '20.018.183/0001-80', streetLine1: 'Av. Faria Lima, 1844', streetLine2: 'CJ 13', district: 'Itaim Bibi', city: 'São Paulo', stateCode: 'SP', zipCode: '01500-000', due: '2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00', fine: 2.5, interest: 1.3, ourNumber: '10445145', transactionIds: [], overdueLimit: 5, receiverName: 'Winterfell S.A.', receiverTaxId: '71.735.814/0001-12', tags: [], descriptions: [], discounts: [], fee: 0, line: '34191.09107 07176.307309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000', barCode: '34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000', status: 'created', created: '2020-04-23T23:36:10.789288+00:00', workspaceId: '5083989094170624' }
StarkBank\Boleto Object ( [id] => 6655767935451136 [amount] => 400000 [name] => Iron Bank S.A. [taxId] => 20.018.183/0001-80 [streetLine1] => Av. Faria Lima, 1844 [streetLine2] => CJ 13 [district] => Itaim Bibi [city] => São Paulo [stateCode] => SP [zipCode] => 01500-000 [due] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2020-05-21 02:59:59.999999 [timezone_type] => 1 [timezone] => +00:00 ) [fine] => 2.5 [interest] => 1.3 [ourNumber] => 10445145 [transactionIds] => Array ( ) [overdueLimit] => 5 [receiverName] => Winterfell S.A. [receiverTaxId] => 71.735.814/0001-12 [tags] => Array ( ) [descriptions] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( ) [fee] => 0 [line] => 34191.09107 07150.227309 71444.640008 7 82610000400000 [barCode] => 34197826100004000001091007150227307144464000 [status] => created [created] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2020-04-22 20:12:56.830070 [timezone_type] => 1 [timezone] => +00:00 ) [workspaceId] => 5083989094170624 )
Boleto({ "id": "6655767935451136", "amount": "400000", "name": "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId": "20.018.183/0001-80", "streetLine1": "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2": "CJ 13", "district": "Itaim Bibi", "city": "São Paulo", "stateCode": "SP", "zipCode": "01500-000", "due": "2020-04-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "fine": 2.5, "interest": 1.3, "ourNumber": "10445145", "workspaceId": "5083989094170624", "transactionIds": [], "overdueLimit": 5, "receiverName": "Winterfell S.A.", "receiverTaxId": "71.735.814/0001-12", "tags": [], "descriptions": [], "discounts": [], "fee": 0, "line": "34191.09107 07027.987309 71444.640008 5 82310000400000", "barCode": "34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000", "status": "created", "created": "2020-04-23T23:28:13+00:00" "workspaceId": "5083989094170624" })
boleto( id: 6655767935451136, amount: 400000, name: Iron Bank S.A., tax_id: 20.018.183/0001-80, street_line_1: Av. Faria Lima, 1844, street_line_2: CJ 13, district: Itaim Bibi, city: São Paulo, state_code: SP, zip_code: 01500-000, due: 2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00, fine: 2.5, interest: 1.3, our_number: 10445145, transaction_ids: [], overdue_limit: 5, receiver_name: Winterfell S.A., receiver_tax_id: 71.735.814/0001-12, tags: [], descriptions: [], discounts: [], fee: 0, line: 34191.09107 07149.917309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000, bar_code: 34191826100004000001091007149917307144464000, status: created, created: 2020-04-23T19:59:25+00:00 workspace_id: 5083989094170624 )
%StarkBank.Boleto{ amount: 400000, bar_code: "34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000", city: "São Paulo", created: ~U[2020-04-23 17:41:58.458035Z], descriptions: [], discounts: [], district: "Itaim Bibi", due: ~U[2020-05-21 02:59:59.999999Z], fee: 0, fine: 2.5, id: "6655767935451136", interest: 1.3, line: "34191.09107 07156.837309 71444.640008 8 82610000400000", name: "Iron Bank S.A.", our_number: "10445145", transaction_ids: [], overdue_limit: 5, receiver_name: "Winterfell S.A.", receiver_tax_id: "71.735.814/0001-12", state_code: "SP", status: "created", street_line_1: "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", street_line_2: "CJ 13", tags: [], tax_id: "20.018.183/0001-80", zip_code: "01500-000", workspace_id: "5083989094170624" }
Boleto( Amount: 400000, Name: Iron Bank S.A., TaxID: 20.018.183/0001-80, StreetLine1: Av. Faria Lima, 1844, StreetLine2: CJ 13, District: Itaim Bibi, City: Sao Paulo, StateCode: SP, ZipCode: 01500-000, Due: 05/21/2020 23:59:59, Fine: 2.5, Interest: 1.3, OverdueLimit: 5, OurNumber: 10445145, TransactionIds: { }, ReceiverName: Wintefell S.A., ReceiverTaxID: 71.735.814/0001-12, Tags: {}, Descriptions: { }, Discounts: {}, Fee: 0, Line: 34191.09107 07159.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000, BarCode: 34191826100004000001091007159647307144464000, Status: created, Created: 04/23/2020 15:53:22, WorkspaceId: 5083989094170624 ID: 6655767935451136 )
{ Id:6655767935451136 Amount:400000 Name:Iron Bank S.A. TaxId:20.018.183/0001-80 StreetLine1:Av. Faria Lima, 1844 StreetLine2:CJ 13 District:Itaim Bibi City:São Paulo StateCode:SP ZipCode:01500-000 Due:2020-05-21 02:59:59.999999 +0000 +0000 Fine:2.5 Interest:1.3 OverdueLimit:5 Descriptions:[] Discounts:[] Tags:[] ReceiverName:Winterfell S.A. ReceiverTaxId:71.735.814/0001-12 Fee:0 Line:34191.09107 44555.427309 71444.640008 4 92570000400000 BarCode:34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000 Status:created TransactionIds:[] WorkspaceId:5083989094170624 Created:2020-04-23 03:18:33.515597 +0000 +0000 OurNumber:10445554 }
{:amount 400000, :fee 0, :tags [], :street-line-1 "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", :name "Iron Bank S.A.", :state-code "SP", :city "São Paulo", :tax-id "20.018.183/0001-80", :our-number "10445145", :transaction-ids [], :overdue-limit 5, :receiver-name "Winterfell S.A." :receiver-tax-id "71.735.814/0001-12" :created "2020-04-23T19:14:43.125462+00:00", :discounts [], :due "2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00", :street-line-2 "CJ 13", :line "34191.09107 07322.097309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000", :status "created", :interest 1.3, :id "6655767935451136", :fine 2.5, :zip-code "01500-000", :bar-code "34191826100004000001091007322097307144464000", :descriptions [], :district "Itaim Bibi"}
{ "message": "Boleto(s) successfully created", "boletos": [ { "id": "6655767935451136", "status": "created", "line": "34191.09107 07175.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000", "barCode": "34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000", "amount": 400000, "due": "2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "name": "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId": "20.018.183/0001-80", "fine": 2.5, "interest": 1.3, "ourNumber": "10445145", "transactionIds": [], "overdueLimit": 5, "receiverName": "Winterfell S.A.", "receiverTaxId": "71.735.814/0001-12", "streetLine1": "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2": "CJ 13", "district": "Itaim Bibi", "city": "São Paulo", "stateCode": "SP", "zipCode": "01500-000", "tags": [], "workspaceId": "5083989094170624", "fee": 0, "descriptions": [], "discounts": [], "workspaceId": "5083989094170624" } ] }
ReceiverName: By adding this parameter, you can set the name of the credit receiver (Sacador Avalista). If none is informed, workspace owner name will be used. If informed, receiverTaxId must also be informed
import starkbank receiver = starkbank.splitreceiver.create( receiver=starkbank.SplitReceiver( name="Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn", tax_id="594.739.480-42", bank_code="341", branch_code="2201", account_number="76543-8", account_type="salary" ) ) print(receiver)
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
import com.starkbank.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("name", "Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn"); data.put("taxId", "594.739.480-42"); data.put("bankCode", "341"); data.put("branchCode", "2201"); data.put("accountNumber", "76543-8"); data.put("accountType", "salary"); SplitReceiver receiver = SplitReceiver.create(new SplitReceiver(data)); System.out.println(receiver);
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
curl --location --request POST '{{baseUrl}}/v2/split-receiver' --header 'Access-Id: {{accessId}}' --header 'Access-Time: {{accessTime}}' --header 'Access-Signature: {{accessSignature}}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "receivers": [ { "name": "Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn", "taxId": "594.739.480-42", "bankCode": "341", "branchCode": "2201", "accountNumber": "76543-8", "accountType": "salary" } ] }'
SplitReceiver( account_number=76543-8, account_type=salary, bank_code=341, branch_code=2201, created=2024-01-30 20:17:12.586145, id=5710191014182912, name=Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn, status=created, tags=[], tax_id=594.739.480-42, updated=2024-01-30 20:17:12.586152 )
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
SplitReceiver({ "accountNumber": 76543-8, "accountType": salary, "bankCode": 341, "branchCode": 2201, "created": 2024-01-30 20:17:12.586145, "id": 5710191014182912, "name": Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn, "status": created, "tags": [], "taxId": 594.739.480-42, "updated": 2024-01-30 20:17:12.586152 })
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
{ "receivers": [ { "accountNumber": "76543-8", "accountType": "salary", "bankCode": "341", "branchCode": "2201", "created": "2024-01-30T20:32:56.182031+00:00", "id": "5642933638266880", "name": "Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn", "status": "created", "tags": [], "taxId": "594.739.480-42", "updated": "2024-01-30T20:32:56.182039+00:00" } ] }
Discounts: With this parameter, you can set a list of up to 5 discounts specifying the discount percentage and the deadline until the discount is valid.
import starkbank boletos = starkbank.boleto.create([ starkbank.Boleto( amount=400000, name="Iron Bank S.A.", tax_id="20.018.183/0001-80", street_line_1="Av. Faria Lima, 1844", street_line_2="CJ 13", district="Itaim Bibi", city="São Paulo", state_code="SP", zip_code="01500-000", tags=["War supply", "Invoice #1234"], description=[ {"text": "product A", "amount": 123} ], discounts=[ {"percentage": 10, "date": "2020-04-25"} ] ) ]) for boleto in boletos: print(boleto)
const starkbank = require('starkbank'); (async() => { let boletos = await starkbank.boleto.create([ { amount: 400000, name: 'Iron Bank S.A.', taxId: '20.018.183/0001-80', streetLine1: 'Av. Faria Lima, 1844', streetLine2: 'CJ 13', district: 'Itaim Bibi', city: 'São Paulo', stateCode: 'SP', zipCode: '01500-000', tags: ['War supply', 'Invoice #1234'], description: [ {'text': 'product A', 'amount': 123} ], discounts: [ {'percentage': 10, 'date': '2020-04-25'} ] }, ]); for (let boleto of boletos) { console.log(boleto); } })();
$boletos = StarkBank\Boleto::create([ new StarkBank\Boleto([ "amount" => 400000, "name" => "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId" => "20.018.183/0001-80", "streetLine1" => "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2" => "CJ 13", "district" => "Itaim Bibi", "city" => "São Paulo", "stateCode" => "SP", "zipCode" => "01500-000", "tags" => ["War supply", "Invoice #1234"], "description" => [ ["text" => "product A", "amount" => 123}] ] "discounts" => [ ["percentage" => 10, "date" => "2020-04-25"] ] ]) ]); foreach($boletos as $boleto){ print_r($boleto); }
import com.starkbank.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; List<Boleto> boletos = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("amount", 400000); data.put("name", "Iron Bank S.A."); data.put("taxId", "20.018.183/0001-80"); data.put("streetLine1", "Av. Faria Lima, 1844"); data.put("streetLine2", "CJ 13"); data.put("district", "Itaim Bibi"); data.put("city", "São Paulo"); data.put("stateCode", "SP"); data.put("zipCode", "01500-000"); data.put("tags", new String[]{"War supply", "Invoice #1234"}); List<HashMap<String, Object>> description = new ArrayList<>(); description.add(new HashMap<>()); description.get(0).put("text", "product A") description.get(0).put("amount", "123") data.put("description", description); List<HashMap<String, Object>> discounts = new ArrayList<>(); discounts.add(new HashMap<>()); discounts.get(0).put("percentage", 5); discounts.get(0).put("date", "2020-04-25"); data.put("discounts", discounts); boletos.add(new Boleto(data)); boletos = Boleto.create(boletos); for (Boleto boleto : boletos){ System.out.println(boleto); }
require('starkbank') boletos = StarkBank::Boleto.create( [ amount: 400000, name: 'Iron Bank S.A.', street_line_1: 'Av. Faria Lima, 1844', street_line_2: 'CJ 13', district: 'Itaim Bibi', city: 'São Paulo', state_code: 'SP', zip_code: '01500-000', tax_id: '20.018.183/0001-80', tags: ['War supply', 'Invoice #1234'], description: [ {text: 'product A', amount: 123} ] discounts: [ {percentage: 10, date: '2020-04-25'} ] ) ] ) boletos.each do |boleto| puts boleto end
boletos = StarkBank.Boleto.create!([ %StarkBank.Boleto{ amount: 400000, name: "Iron Bank S.A.", street_line_1: "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", street_line_2: "CJ 13", district: "Itaim Bibi", city: "São Paulo", state_code: "SP", zip_code: "01500-000", tax_id: "20.018.183/0001-80", tags: ["War supply", "Invoice #1234"], description: [ %{text: "product A", amount: 123} ] discounts: [ %{percentage: 10, date: "2020-04-25"} ] } ]) for payment <- payments do payment |> IO.inspect end
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; List<StarkBank.Boleto> boletos = StarkBank.Boleto.Create( new List<StarkBank.Boleto> { new StarkBank.Boleto( amount: 400000, name: "Iron Bank S.A.", streetLine1: "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", streetLine2: "CJ 13", district: "Itaim Bibi", city: "Sao Paulo", stateCode: "SP", zipCode: "01500-000", taxID: "20.018.183/0001-80", tags: new List<string> { "War supply", "Invoice #1234" }, description: new List<Dictionary<string, object>>() { new Dictionary<string, object> { {"text", "product A"}, {"amount", 123} } discounts: new List<Dictionary<string, object>>() { new Dictionary<string, object> { {"percentage", 10}, {"date", new DateTime(2020, 4, 25)} } } ) } ); foreach(StarkBank.Boleto boleto in boletos) { Console.WriteLine(boleto); }
package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func main() { boletos, err := boleto.Create( []boleto.Boleto{ { Amount: 400000, Name: "Iron Bank S.A.", TaxId: "20.018.183/0001-80", StreetLine1: "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", StreetLine2: "CJ 13", District: "Itaim Bibi", City: "São Paulo", StateCode: "SP", ZipCode: "01500-000", Tags: []string{"War Supply", "Invoice #1234"}, Description: []map[string]interface{}{ { "text": "product A", "amount": 123, }, } Discounts: []map[string]interface{}{ { "percentage": 10, "date": "2020-04-25", }, } }, nil) if err.Errors != nil { for _, e := range err.Errors { panic(fmt.Sprintf("code: %s, message: %s", e.Code, e.Message)) } } for _, boleto := range boletos { fmt.Printf("%+v", boleto) } }
(def boletos (starkbank.boleto/create [{ :amount 400000 :name "Iron Bank S.A." :street-line-1 "Av. Faria Lima, 1844" :street-line-2 "CJ 13" :district "Itaim Bibi" :city "São Paulo" :state-code "SP" :zip-code "01500-000" :tax-id "20.018.183/0001-80" :tags ["War supply" "Invoice #1234"] :description [ {:text "product A" :amount 123} ] :discounts [ {:percentage 10 :date "2020-04-25"} ] }])) (dorun (map println boletos))
curl --location --request POST '{{baseUrl}}/v2/boleto' --header 'Access-Id: {{accessId}}' --header 'Access-Time: {{accessTime}}' --header 'Access-Signature: {{accessSignature}}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "boletos": [ { "amount": 400000, "name": "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId": "20.018.183/0001-80", "streetLine1": "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2": "CJ 13", "district": "Itaim Bibi", "city": "São Paulo", "stateCode": "SP", "zipCode": "01500-000", "tags": ["War supply", "Invoice #1234"], "description": [ { "text": "product A", "amount": 123 } ], "discounts": [ { "percentage": 10, "date": "2020-04-25" } ] }, ] }'
Boleto( id=6655767935451136, amount=400000, bar_code=34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000, city=São Paulo, created=2020-04-23 23:36:08.129614, descriptions=[{'text': 'product A', 'amount': 123}], discounts=[{'date': '2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00', 'percentage': 10.0}], district=Itaim Bibi, due=2020-05-21, fee=0, fine=2.0, interest=1.0, line=34191.09107 07175.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000, name=Iron Bank S.A., our_number=10445145, transaction_ids=[], overdue_limit=59, receiver_name=Winterfell S. A., receiver_tax_id=71.735.814/0001-12, state_code=SP, status=created, street_line_1=Av. Faria Lima, 1844, street_line_2=CJ 13, tags=['war supply', 'invoice #1234'], tax_id=20.018.183/0001-80, zip_code=01500-000, workspace_id=5083989094170624, )
Boleto { id: '6655767935451136', amount: 400000, name: 'Iron Bank S.A.', taxId: '20.018.183/0001-80', streetLine1: 'Av. Faria Lima, 1844', streetLine2: 'CJ 13', district: 'Itaim Bibi', city: 'São Paulo', stateCode: 'SP', zipCode: '01500-000', due: '2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00', fine: 2.0, interest: 1.0, ourNumber: '10445145', transactionIds: [], overdueLimit: 59, receiverName: 'Winterfell S.A.', receiverTaxId: '71.735.814/0001-12', tags: [ 'war supply', 'invoice #1234' ], descriptions: [ { text: 'product A', amount: 123} ], discounts: [ { date: '2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00', percentage: 10 } ], fee: 0, line: '34191.09107 07176.307309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000', barCode: '34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000', status: 'created', created: '2020-04-23T23:36:10.789288+00:00', workspaceId: '5083989094170624', }
StarkBank\Boleto Object ( [id] => 6655767935451136 [amount] => 400000 [name] => Iron Bank S.A. [taxId] => 20.018.183/0001-80 [streetLine1] => Av. Faria Lima, 1844 [streetLine2] => CJ 13 [district] => Itaim Bibi [city] => São Paulo [stateCode] => SP [zipCode] => 01500-000 [due] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2020-05-21 02:59:59.999999 [timezone_type] => 1 [timezone] => +00:00 ) [fine] => 2.0 [interest] => 1.0 [ourNumber] => 10445145 [transactionIds] => Array ( ) [overdueLimit] => 59 [receiverName] => Winterfell S.A. [receiverTaxId] => 71.735.814/0001-12 [tags] => Array ( [0] => war supply [1] => invoice #1234 ) [descriptions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [text] => product A [amount] => 123 ) ) [discounts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [date] => 2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00 [percentage] => 10 ) ) [fee] => 0 [line] => 34191.09107 07150.227309 71444.640008 7 82610000400000 [barCode] => 34197826100004000001091007150227307144464000 [status] => created [created] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2020-04-22 20:12:56.830070 [timezone_type] => 1 [timezone] => +00:00 ) [workspaceId] => 5083989094170624 )
Boleto({ "id": "6655767935451136", "amount": "400000", "name": "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId": "20.018.183/0001-80", "streetLine1": "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2": "CJ 13", "district": "Itaim Bibi", "city": "São Paulo", "stateCode": "SP", "zipCode": "01500-000", "due": "2020-04-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "fine": 2.0, "interest": 1.0, "ourNumber": "10445145", "workspaceId": "5083989094170624", "transactionIds": [], "overdueLimit": 59, "receiverName": "Winterfell S.A.", "receiverTaxId": "71.735.814/0001-12", "tags": ["war supply", "invoice #1234"], "descriptions": [ {"text": "product A", "amount": 123} ], "discounts": [ {"date": "2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "percentage": 10.0} ], "fee": 0, "line": "34191.09107 07027.987309 71444.640008 5 82310000400000", "barCode": "34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000", "status": "created", "created": "2020-04-23T23:28:13+00:00", "workspaceId": "5083989094170624" })
boleto( id: 6655767935451136, amount: 400000, name: Iron Bank S.A., tax_id: 20.018.183/0001-80, street_line_1: Av. Faria Lima, 1844, street_line_2: CJ 13, district: Itaim Bibi, city: São Paulo, state_code: SP, zip_code: 01500-000, due: 2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00, fine: 2.0, interest: 1.0, our_number: 10445145, transaction_ids: [], overdue_limit: 59, receiver_name: Winterfell S.A., receiver_tax_id: 71.735.814/0001-12, tags: ["war supply", "invoice #1234"], descriptions: [{"text"=>"product A", "amount"=>123}], discounts: [{"date"=>"2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "percentage"=>10.0}], fee: 0, line: 34191.09107 07149.917309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000, bar_code: 34191826100004000001091007149917307144464000, status: created, created: 2020-04-23T19:59:25+00:00, workspace_id: 5083989094170624 )
%StarkBank.Boleto{ amount: 400000, bar_code: "34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000", city: "São Paulo", created: ~U[2020-04-23 17:41:58.458035Z], descriptions: [ %{"text" => "product A", "amount" => 123} ], discounts: [ %{"date" => "2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "percentage" => 10.0} ], district: "Itaim Bibi", due: ~U[2020-05-21 02:59:59.999999Z], fee: 0, fine: 2.0, id: "6655767935451136", interest: 1.0, line: "34191.09107 07156.837309 71444.640008 8 82610000400000", name: "Iron Bank S.A.", our_number: "10445145", transaction_ids: [], overdue_limit: 59, receiver_name: "Winterfell S.A.", receiver_tax_id: "71.735.814/0001-12", state_code: "SP", status: "created", street_line_1: "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", street_line_2: "CJ 13", tags: ["war supply", "invoice #1234"], tax_id: "20.018.183/0001-80", zip_code: "01500-000", workspace_id: "5083989094170624", }
Boleto( Amount: 400000, Name: Iron Bank S.A., TaxID: 20.018.183/0001-80, StreetLine1: Av. Faria Lima, 1844, StreetLine2: CJ 13, District: Itaim Bibi, City: Sao Paulo, StateCode: SP, ZipCode: 01500-000, Due: 05/21/2020 23:59:59, Fine: 2.0, Interest: 1.0, OverdueLimit: 59, OurNumber: 10445145, TransactionIds: { }, ReceiverName: Wintefell S.A., ReceiverTaxID: 71.735.814/0001-12, Tags: { war supply, invoice #1234 }, Descriptions: { { { text, product A }, { amount, 123 } } }, Discounts: { { { date, 2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00 }, { percentage, 10 } } }, Fee: 0, Line: 34191.09107 07159.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000, BarCode: 34191826100004000001091007159647307144464000, Status: created, Created: 04/23/2020 15:53:22, WorkspaceId: 5083989094170624, ID: 6655767935451136 )
{ Id:6655767935451136 Amount:400000 Name:Iron Bank S.A. TaxId:20.018.183/0001-80 StreetLine1:Av. Faria Lima, 1844 StreetLine2:CJ 13 District:Itaim Bibi City:São Paulo StateCode:SP ZipCode:01500-000 Due:2020-05-21 02:59:59.999999 +0000 +0000 Fine:2.0 Interest:1.0 OverdueLimit:59 Descriptions:[map[text:product A amount:123]] Discounts:[map[date:2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00 percentage:10]] Tags:[war supply invoice #1234] ReceiverName:Winterfell S.A. ReceiverTaxId:71.735.814/0001-12 Fee:0 Line:34191.09107 44555.427309 71444.640008 4 92570000400000 BarCode:34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000 Status:created TransactionIds:[] WorkspaceId:5083989094170624 Created:2020-04-23 03:18:33.515597 +0000 +0000 OurNumber:10445554 }
{:amount 400000, :fee 0, :tags ["war supply" "invoice #1234"], :street-line-1 "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", :name "Iron Bank S.A.", :state-code "SP", :city "São Paulo", :tax-id "20.018.183/0001-80", :our-number "10445145", :transaction-ids [], :overdue-limit 59, :receiver-name "Winterfell S.A." :receiver-tax-id "71.735.814/0001-12" :created "2020-04-23T19:14:43.125462+00:00", :discounts [{:date "2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00", :percentage 10.0}], :due "2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00", :street-line-2 "CJ 13", :line "34191.09107 07322.097309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000", :status "created", :interest 1.0, :id "6655767935451136", :fine 2.0, :zip-code "01500-000", :bar-code "34191826100004000001091007322097307144464000", :descriptions {:text "product A", :amount 123}, :district "Itaim Bibi"}
{ "message": "Boleto(s) successfully created", "boletos": [ { "id": "6655767935451136", "status": "created", "line": "34191.09107 07175.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000", "barCode": "34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000", "amount": 400000, "due": "2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "name": "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId": "20.018.183/0001-80", "fine": 2.0, "interest": 1.0, "ourNumber": "10445145", "transactionIds": [], "overdueLimit": 59, "receiverName": "Winterfell S.A.", "receiverTaxId": "71.735.814/0001-12", "streetLine1": "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2": "CJ 13", "district": "Itaim Bibi", "city": "São Paulo", "stateCode": "SP", "zipCode": "01500-000", "tags": ["War supply", "Invoice #1234"], "workspaceId": "5083989094170624", "fee": 0, "descriptions": [ { "text": product A, "amount": 123 } ], "discounts": [ { "percentage": 10, "date": "2020-04-25" } ], "workspaceId": "5083989094170624" } ] }
It enables you to split the payment of a Boleto among multiple receivers based on criteria such as settlement date, amount, and predefined rules.
The setup of Receivers involves adding information regarding the payment beneficiary.
import starkbank receiver = starkbank.splitreceiver.create( receiver=starkbank.SplitReceiver( name="Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn", tax_id="594.739.480-42", bank_code="341", branch_code="2201", account_number="76543-8", account_type="salary" ) ) print(receiver)
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
import com.starkbank.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("name", "Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn"); data.put("taxId", "594.739.480-42"); data.put("bankCode", "341"); data.put("branchCode", "2201"); data.put("accountNumber", "76543-8"); data.put("accountType", "salary"); SplitReceiver receiver = SplitReceiver.create(new SplitReceiver(data)); System.out.println(receiver);
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
curl --location --request POST '{{baseUrl}}/v2/split-receiver' --header 'Access-Id: {{accessId}}' --header 'Access-Time: {{accessTime}}' --header 'Access-Signature: {{accessSignature}}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "receivers": [ { "name": "Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn", "taxId": "594.739.480-42", "bankCode": "341", "branchCode": "2201", "accountNumber": "76543-8", "accountType": "salary" } ] }'
SplitReceiver( account_number=76543-8, account_type=salary, bank_code=341, branch_code=2201, created=2024-01-30 20:17:12.586145, id=5710191014182912, name=Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn, status=created, tags=[], tax_id=594.739.480-42, updated=2024-01-30 20:17:12.586152 )
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
SplitReceiver({ "accountNumber": 76543-8, "accountType": salary, "bankCode": 341, "branchCode": 2201, "created": 2024-01-30 20:17:12.586145, "id": 5710191014182912, "name": Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn, "status": created, "tags": [], "taxId": 594.739.480-42, "updated": 2024-01-30 20:17:12.586152 })
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
{ "receivers": [ { "accountNumber": "76543-8", "accountType": "salary", "bankCode": "341", "branchCode": "2201", "created": "2024-01-30T20:32:56.182031+00:00", "id": "5642933638266880", "name": "Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn", "status": "created", "tags": [], "taxId": "594.739.480-42", "updated": "2024-01-30T20:32:56.182039+00:00" } ] }
import starkbank boletos = starkbank.boleto.create([ starkbank.Boleto( amount=400000, due="2020-05-20", name="Iron Bank S.A.", tax_id="20.018.183/0001-80", fine=2.5, interest=1.3, overdue_limit=5, street_line_1="Av. Faria Lima, 1844", street_line_2="CJ 13", district="Itaim Bibi", city="São Paulo", state_code="SP", zip_code="01500-000", tags=["War supply", "Invoice #1234"], discounts=[ {"percentage": 10, "date": "2020-04-25"} ], splits=[ Split(amount=3000, receiverId="5742447426535424"), Split(amount=5000, receiverId="5743243941642240") ] ) ]) for boleto in boletos: print(boleto)
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
curl --location --request POST '{{baseUrl}}/v2/boleto' --header 'Access-Id: {{accessId}}' --header 'Access-Time: {{accessTime}}' --header 'Access-Signature: {{accessSignature}}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "boletos": [ { "amount": 400000, "due": "2020-05-20", "name": "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId": "20.018.183/0001-80", "fine": 2.5, "interest": 1.3, "overdueLimit": 5, "streetLine1": "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2": "CJ 13", "district": "Itaim Bibi", "city": "São Paulo", "stateCode": "SP", "zipCode": "01500-000", "tags": ["War supply", "Invoice #1234"] "discounts": [ { "percentage": 10, "date": "2020-04-25" } ], "splits": [ { "receiverId": "5742447426535424", "amount": 3000 }, { "receiverId": "5743243941642240", "amount": 5000 } ] }, ] }'
Boleto( id=6655767935451136, amount=400000, bar_code=34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000, city=São Paulo, created=2020-04-23 23:36:08.129614, descriptions=[], discounts=[{'date': '2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00', 'percentage': 10.0}], district=Itaim Bibi, due=2020-05-21, fee=0, fine=2.5, interest=1.3, line=34191.09107 07175.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000, name=Iron Bank S.A., our_number=10445145, transaction_ids=[], overdue_limit=5, receiver_name=Winterfell S. A., receiver_tax_id=71.735.814/0001-12, state_code=SP, status=created, street_line_1=Av. Faria Lima, 1844, street_line_2=CJ 13, tags=['war supply', 'invoice #1234'], tax_id=20.018.183/0001-80, zip_code=01500-000, workspace_id=5083989094170624, splits=[ Split( amount=3000, created=None, external_id=None, id=None, receiver_id=5742447426535424, scheduled=None, source=None, status=None, tags=None, updated=None ), Split( amount=5000, created=None, external_id=None, id=None, receiver_id=5743243941642240, scheduled=None, source=None, status=None, tags=None, updated=None ) ] )
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
{ "message": "Boleto(s) successfully created", "boletos": [ { "id": "6655767935451136", "status": "created", "line": "34191.09107 07175.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000", "barCode": "34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000", "amount": 400000, "due": "2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "name": "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId": "20.018.183/0001-80", "fine": 2.5, "interest": 1.3, "ourNumber": "10445145", "transactionIds": [], "overdueLimit": 5, "receiverName": "Winterfell S.A.", "receiverTaxId": "71.735.814/0001-12", "streetLine1": "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2": "CJ 13", "district": "Itaim Bibi", "city": "São Paulo", "stateCode": "SP", "zipCode": "01500-000", "tags": ["War supply", "Invoice #1234"], "workspaceId": "5083989094170624", "fee": 0, "descriptions": [], "discounts": [ { "percentage": 10, "date": "2020-04-25" } ], "workspaceId": "5083989094170624" }, "splits": [ { "amount": 3000, "receiverId": "5742447426535424", ), { "amount": 5000, "receiverId": "5743243941642240", } ] ] }
You can retrieve a boleto PDF by its ID using the "boleto/:id/pdf" route, as shown below:
import starkbank pdf = starkbank.boleto.pdf("6655767935451136") with open("boleto.pdf", "wb") as file: file.write(pdf)
const starkbank = require('starkbank'); const fs = require('fs').promises; (async() => { let pdf = await starkbank.boleto.pdf('6655767935451136'); await fs.writeFile('boleto.pdf', pdf); })();
$pdf = StarkBank\Boleto::pdf("6655767935451136"); $fp = fopen('boleto.pdf', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $pdf); fclose($fp);
import; import; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import com.starkbank.*; InputStream pdf = Boleto.pdf("6655767935451136"); java.nio.file.Files.copy( pdf, new File("boleto.pdf").toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING );
require('starkbank') pdf = StarkBank::Boleto.pdf('6655767935451136')'boleto.pdf', 'w') { |file| file.write(pdf) }
pdf = StarkBank.Boleto.pdf!("6655767935451136") file =!("boleto.pdf", [:write]) IO.binwrite(file, pdf) File.close(file)
byte[] pdf = Boleto.Pdf("6655767935451136"); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("boleto.pdf", pdf);
package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func main() { pdf, err := boleto.Pdf("6655767935451136", nil) if err.Errors != nil { for _, e := range err.Errors { panic(fmt.Sprintf("code: %s, message: %s", e.Code, e.Message)) } } errFile := ioutil.WriteFile("boleto.pdf", pdf, 0666) if errFile != nil { fmt.Print(errFile) } }
( (starkbank.boleto/pdf "6655767935451136") ( "boleto.pdf"))
curl --location --request GET '{{baseUrl}}/v2/boleto/6655767935451136/pdf?layout=booklet' --header 'Access-Id: {{accessId}}' --header 'Access-Time: {{accessTime}}' --header 'Access-Signature: {{accessSignature}}'
The method will allow the cancellation of a boleto.
import starkbank boleto = starkbank.boleto.delete("6655767935451136") print(boleto)
const starkbank = require('starkbank'); (async() => { let boleto = await starkbank.boleto.delete('6655767935451136'); console.log(boleto); })();
$boleto = StarkBank\Boleto::delete("6655767935451136"); print_r($boleto);
import com.starkbank.*; Boleto boleto = Boleto.delete("6655767935451136"); System.out.println(boleto);
require('starkbank') boleto = StarkBank::Boleto.delete('6655767935451136') puts boleto
boleto = StarkBank.Boleto.delete!("6655767935451136") boleto |> IO.inspect
using System; StarkBank.Boleto boleto = StarkBank.Boleto.Delete("6655767935451136"); Console.WriteLine(boleto);
package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func main() { boleto, err := boleto.Delete("6655767935451136", nil) if err.Errors != nil { for _, e := range err.Errors { panic(fmt.Sprintf("code: %s, message: %s", e.Code, e.Message)) } } fmt.Printf("%+v", boleto) }
(def boleto (starkbank.boleto/delete "6655767935451136")) (println boleto)
curl --location --request DELETE '{{baseUrl}}/v2/boleto/6655767935451136' --header 'Access-Id: {{accessId}}' --header 'Access-Time: {{accessTime}}' --header 'Access-Signature: {{accessSignature}}'
Is it possible to retrieve a boleto by its ID or even list them using parameters as after, before to filter the results, as shown in the example below:
import starkbank boletos = starkbank.boleto.query( after="2020-04-01", before="2020-04-30" ) for boleto in boletos: print(boleto)
const starkbank = require('starkbank'); (async() => { let boletos = await starkbank.boleto.query({ after: '2020-04-01', before: '2020-04-30', }); for await (let boleto of boletos) { console.log(boleto); } })();
$boletos = StarkBank\Boleto::query([ "after" => "2020-04-01", "before" => "2020-04-30" ]); foreach($boletos as $boleto){ print_r($boleto); }
import com.starkbank.*; import com.starkbank.utils.Generator; import java.util.HashMap; HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("after", "2020-04-01"); params.put("before", "2020-04-30"); Generator<Boleto> boletos = Boleto.query(params); for (Boleto boleto : boletos){ System.out.println(boleto); }
require('starkbank') boletos = StarkBank::Boleto.query( after: '2020-04-01', before: '2020-04-30' ) boletos.each do |boleto| puts boleto end
boletos = StarkBank.Boleto.query!( after: "2019-04-01", before: "2020-04-30" ) for payment <- payments do payment |> IO.inspect end
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; IEnumerable<StarkBank.Boleto> boletos = StarkBank.Boleto.Query( after: new DateTime(2020, 4, 1), before: new DateTime(2020, 4, 30) ); foreach(StarkBank.Boleto boleto in boletos) { Console.WriteLine(boleto); }
package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func main() { var params = map[string]interface{}{} params["after"] = "2020-04-01" params["before"] = "2020-04-30" boletos := boleto.Query(params, nil) for boleto := range boletos { fmt.Printf("%+v", boleto) } }
(def boletos (starkbank.boleto/query { :after "2020-4-1", :before "2020-4-30" })) (dorun (map println boletos))
curl --location --request GET '{{baseUrl}}/v2/boleto?after=2020-04-01&before=2020-04-30' --header 'Access-Id: {{accessId}}' --header 'Access-Time: {{accessTime}}' --header 'Access-Signature: {{accessSignature}}'
Boleto( id=6655767935451136, amount=400000, bar_code=34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000, city=São Paulo, created=2020-04-23 23:36:08.129614, descriptions=[], discounts=[{'date': '2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00', 'percentage': 10.0}], district=Itaim Bibi, due=2020-05-21, fee=0, fine=2.5, interest=1.3, line=34191.09107 07175.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000, name=Iron Bank S.A., our_number=10445145, transaction_ids=[], overdue_limit=5, receiver_name=Winterfell S. A., receiver_tax_id=71.735.814/0001-12, state_code=SP, status=created, street_line_1=Av. Faria Lima, 1844, street_line_2=CJ 13, tags=['war supply', 'invoice #1234'], tax_id=20.018.183/0001-80, zip_code=01500-000 workspace_id=5083989094170624 )
Boleto { id: '6655767935451136', amount: 400000, name: 'Iron Bank S.A.', taxId: '20.018.183/0001-80', streetLine1: 'Av. Faria Lima, 1844', streetLine2: 'CJ 13', district: 'Itaim Bibi', city: 'São Paulo', stateCode: 'SP', zipCode: '01500-000', due: '2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00', fine: 2.5, interest: 1.3, ourNumber: '10445145', transactionIds: [], overdueLimit: 5, receiverName: 'Winterfell S.A.', receiverTaxId: '71.735.814/0001-12', tags: [ 'war supply', 'invoice #1234' ], descriptions: [], discounts: [ { date: '2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00', percentage: 10 } ], fee: 0, line: '34191.09107 07176.307309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000', barCode: '34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000', status: 'created', created: '2020-04-23T23:36:10.789288+00:00', workspaceId: '5083989094170624' }
StarkBank\Boleto Object ( [id] => 6655767935451136 [amount] => 400000 [name] => Iron Bank S.A. [taxId] => 20.018.183/0001-80 [streetLine1] => Av. Faria Lima, 1844 [streetLine2] => CJ 13 [district] => Itaim Bibi [city] => São Paulo [stateCode] => SP [zipCode] => 01500-000 [due] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2020-05-21 02:59:59.999999 [timezone_type] => 1 [timezone] => +00:00 ) [fine] => 2.5 [interest] => 1.3 [ourNumber] => 10445145 [transactionIds] => Array ( ) [overdueLimit] => 5 [receiverName] => Winterfell S.A. [receiverTaxId] => 71.735.814/0001-12 [tags] => Array ( [0] => war supply [1] => invoice #1234 ) [descriptions] => Array ( ) [discounts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [date] => 2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00 [percentage] => 10 ) ) [fee] => 0 [line] => 34191.09107 07150.227309 71444.640008 7 82610000400000 [barCode] => 34197826100004000001091007150227307144464000 [status] => created [created] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2020-04-22 20:12:56.830070 [timezone_type] => 1 [timezone] => +00:00 ) [workspaceId] => 5083989094170624 )
Boleto({ "id": "6655767935451136", "amount": "400000", "name": "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId": "20.018.183/0001-80", "streetLine1": "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2": "CJ 13", "district": "Itaim Bibi", "city": "São Paulo", "stateCode": "SP", "zipCode": "01500-000", "due": "2020-04-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "fine": 2.5, "interest": 1.3, "ourNumber": "10445145", "workspaceId": "5083989094170624", "transactionIds": [], "overdueLimit": 5, "receiverName": "Winterfell S.A.", "receiverTaxId": "71.735.814/0001-12", "tags": ["war supply", "invoice #1234"], "descriptions": [], "discounts": [ {"date": "2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "percentage": 10.0} ], "fee": 0, "line": "34191.09107 07027.987309 71444.640008 5 82310000400000", "barCode": "34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000", "status": "created", "created": "2020-04-23T23:28:13+00:00" "workspaceId": "5083989094170624" })
boleto( id: 6655767935451136, amount: 400000, name: Iron Bank S.A., tax_id: 20.018.183/0001-80, street_line_1: Av. Faria Lima, 1844, street_line_2: CJ 13, district: Itaim Bibi, city: São Paulo, state_code: SP, zip_code: 01500-000, due: 2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00, fine: 2.5, interest: 1.3, our_number: 10445145, transaction_ids: [], overdue_limit: 5, receiver_name: Winterfell S.A., receiver_tax_id: 71.735.814/0001-12, tags: ["war supply", "invoice #1234"], descriptions: [], discounts: [{"date"=>"2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "percentage"=>10.0}], fee: 0, line: 34191.09107 07149.917309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000, bar_code: 34191826100004000001091007149917307144464000, status: created, created: 2020-04-23T19:59:25+00:00 workspace_id: 5083989094170624 )
%StarkBank.Boleto{ amount: 400000, bar_code: "34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000", city: "São Paulo", created: ~U[2020-04-23 17:41:58.458035Z], descriptions: [], discounts: [ %{"date" => "2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "percentage" => 10.0} ], district: "Itaim Bibi", due: ~U[2020-05-21 02:59:59.999999Z], fee: 0, fine: 2.5, id: "6655767935451136", interest: 1.3, line: "34191.09107 07156.837309 71444.640008 8 82610000400000", name: "Iron Bank S.A.", our_number: "10445145", transaction_ids: [], overdue_limit: 5, receiver_name: "Winterfell S.A.", receiver_tax_id: "71.735.814/0001-12", state_code: "SP", status: "created", street_line_1: "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", street_line_2: "CJ 13", tags: ["war supply", "invoice #1234"], tax_id: "20.018.183/0001-80", zip_code: "01500-000", workspace_id: "5083989094170624" }
Boleto( Amount: 400000, Name: Iron Bank S.A., TaxID: 20.018.183/0001-80, StreetLine1: Av. Faria Lima, 1844, StreetLine2: CJ 13, District: Itaim Bibi, City: Sao Paulo, StateCode: SP, ZipCode: 01500-000, Due: 05/21/2020 23:59:59, Fine: 2.5, Interest: 1.3, OverdueLimit: 5, OurNumber: 10445145, TransactionIds: { }, ReceiverName: Wintefell S.A., ReceiverTaxID: 71.735.814/0001-12, Tags: { war supply, invoice #1234 }, Descriptions: { }, Discounts: { { { date, 2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00 }, { percentage, 10 } } }, Fee: 0, Line: 34191.09107 07159.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000, BarCode: 34191826100004000001091007159647307144464000, Status: created, Created: 04/23/2020 15:53:22, WorkspaceId: 5083989094170624 ID: 6655767935451136 )
{ Id:6655767935451136 Amount:400000 Name:Iron Bank S.A. TaxId:20.018.183/0001-80 StreetLine1:Av. Faria Lima, 1844 StreetLine2:CJ 13 District:Itaim Bibi City:São Paulo StateCode:SP ZipCode:01500-000 Due:2020-05-21 02:59:59.999999 +0000 +0000 Fine:2.5 Interest:1.3 OverdueLimit:5 Descriptions:[] Discounts:[map[date:2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00 percentage:10]] Tags:[war supply invoice #1234] ReceiverName:Winterfell S.A. ReceiverTaxId:71.735.814/0001-12 Fee:0 Line:34191.09107 44555.427309 71444.640008 4 92570000400000 BarCode:34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000 Status:created TransactionIds:[] WorkspaceId:5083989094170624 Created:2020-04-23 03:18:33.515597 +0000 +0000 OurNumber:10445554 }
{:amount 400000, :fee 0, :tags ["war supply" "invoice #1234"], :street-line-1 "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", :name "Iron Bank S.A.", :state-code "SP", :city "São Paulo", :tax-id "20.018.183/0001-80", :our-number "10445145", :transaction-ids [], :overdue-limit 5, :receiver-name "Winterfell S.A." :receiver-tax-id "71.735.814/0001-12" :created "2020-04-23T19:14:43.125462+00:00", :discounts [{:date "2020-04-26T02:59:59.999999+00:00", :percentage 10.0}], :due "2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00", :street-line-2 "CJ 13", :line "34191.09107 07322.097309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000", :status "created", :interest 1.3, :id "6655767935451136", :fine 2.5, :zip-code "01500-000", :bar-code "34191826100004000001091007322097307144464000", :descriptions [], :district "Itaim Bibi"}
{ "cursor": null, "boletos": [ { "id": "6655767935451136", "status": "created", "line": "34191.09107 07175.647309 71444.640008 1 82610000400000", "barCode": "34191826100004000001091007175647307144464000", "amount": 400000, "due": "2020-05-21T02:59:59.999999+00:00", "name": "Iron Bank S.A.", "taxId": "20.018.183/0001-80", "fine": 2.5, "interest": 1.3, "ourNumber": "10445145", "transactionIds": [], "overdueLimit": 5, "receiverName": "Winterfell S.A.", "receiverTaxId": "71.735.814/0001-12", "streetLine1": "Av. Faria Lima, 1844", "streetLine2": "CJ 13", "district": "Itaim Bibi", "city": "São Paulo", "stateCode": "SP", "zipCode": "01500-000", "tags": ["War supply", "Invoice #1234"], "workspaceId": "5083989094170624", "fee": 0, "descriptions": [], "discounts": [ { "percentage": 10, "date": "2020-04-25" } ], "workspaceId": "5083989094170624" } ] }
Once an invoice with Split is created, a Split entity is also generated. It is possible to retrieve it by its ID or list them using parameters such as limit, after, before to filter the results, as shown in the example below:
import starkbank splits = starkbank.split.query( after="2024-01-30", before="2024-02-01", limit=1 ) for split in splits: print(split)
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
import com.starkbank.*; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; Mapparams = new HashMap<>(); params.put("limit", 1); Generator splits = Split.query(params); for (Split split : splits) { System.out.println(split); }
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
curl --location --request GET '{{baseUrl}}/v2/split?after=2024-01-30&before=2024-02-01' --header 'Access-Id: {{accessId}}' --header 'Access-Time: {{accessTime}}' --header 'Access-Signature: {{accessSignature}}'
Split( amount=10000, created=2024-01-30 16:10:59.874663, external_id=invoice/5163468596445184/receiver/5143677177430016, id=5745664021495808, receiver_id=5143677177430016, scheduled=2024-01-30 16:10:59.840821, source=invoice/5163468596445184, status=created, tags=['invoice/5163468596445184'], updated=2024-01-30 16:21:03.973723 )
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Split({ "amount": 10000, "created": "2024-01-30 16:10:59.874824", "external_id": invoice/5163468596445184/receiver/5706627130851328, "id": 5182714068074496, "receiver_id": 5706627130851328, "scheduled": "2024-01-30 16:10:59.840821", "source": invoice/5163468596445184, "status": created, "tags": ['invoice/5163468596445184'], "updated": 2024-01-30 16:10:59.874829 })
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
Not yet available. Please contact us if you need this SDK.
{ "cursor": null, "splits": [ { "amount": 10000, "created": "2023-10-23T23:40:04.809130+00:00", "externalId": "invoice/6394476721340416/receiver/5644004762845184", "id": "5714489739575296", "receiverId": "5644004762845184", "scheduled": "2023-11-01T10:00:00+00:00", "source": "invoice/6394476721340416", "status": "success", "tags": [], "updated": "2023-11-01T09:51:02.985959+00:00" } ] }
This feature allows your application to investigate updated boleto status according to CIP in less than an hour.
import starkbank holmes = starkbank.boletoholmes.create([ starkbank.BoletoHolmes( boleto_id="5656565656565656", tags=["sherlock", "holmes"], ) ]) for holmes in holmes: print(holmes)
const starkbank = require('starkbank'); (async() => { let holmes = await starkbank.boletoHolmes.create([ { boletoId: '5656565656565656', tags: ['sherlock', 'holmes'], } ]) for (let holmes of holmes) { console.log(holmes); } })();
use StarkBank\BoletoHolmes; $holmes = [new BoletoHolmes([ "boletoId" => "5656565656565656", "tags" => ["sherlock", "holmes"] ])]; $boletoHolmes = BoletoHolmes::create($holmes)[0]; foreach($boletoHolmes as $sherlock){ print_r($sherlock); }
import com.starkbank.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; List<BoletoHolmes> holmes = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<String, Object> dataHolmes = new HashMap<>(); dataHolmes.put("boletoId", "5656565656565656"); dataHolmes.put("tags", new String[]{"sherlock", "holmes"}); holmes.add(new BoletoHolmes(dataHolmes)); holmes = BoletoHolmes.create(holmes); for (BoletoHolmes sherlock : holmes){ System.out.println(sherlock); }
require('starkbank') holmes = StarkBank::BoletoHolmes.create([ boleto_id: '5656565656565656', tags: ['sherlock', 'holmes'] ) ]) holmes.each do |sherlock| puts sherlock end
holmes = StarkBank.BoletoHolmes.create!( [ %StarkBank.BoletoHolmes{ boleto_id: "5656565656565656", tags: ["sherlock", "holmes"], } ] ) |> IO.inspect
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; List<StarkBank.BoletoHolmes> holmes = StarkBank.BoletoHolmes.Create( new List<StarkBank.BoletoHolmes>() { new BoletoHolmes( boletoID: "5656565656565656", tags: new List<string> { "sherlock", "holmes" } ) } ); foreach(StarkBank.BoletoHolmes sherlock in holmes) { Console.WriteLine(sherlock); }
package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func main() { holmes, err := boletoholmes.Create( []boletoholmes.BoletoHolmes{ { BoletoId: "4933519247671296", Tags: []string{"sherlock", "holmes"}, }, }, nil) if err.Errors != nil { for _, e := range err.Errors { panic(fmt.Sprintf("code: %s, message: %s", e.Code, e.Message)) } } for _, sherlock := range holmes { fmt.Printf("%+v", sherlock) } }
def holmes (starkbank.boleto-holmes/create [{ :boleto-id "5656565656565656" :tags ["sherlock" "holmes"] }])) (doseq [sherlock holmes] (println sherlock))
curl --location --request POST '{{baseUrl}}/v2/boleto-holmes' --header 'Access-Id: {{accessId}}' --header 'Access-Time: {{accessTime}}' --header 'Access-Signature: {{accessSignature}}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "holmes": [ { "boletoId": "5656565656565656", "tags": ["sherlock", "holmes"], }, ] }'
BoletoHolmes( boleto_id=5656565656565656, created=2020-07-23 00:07:51.069587, id=3232323232323232, result=, status=solving, tags=["sherlock", "holmes"], updated=2020-07-23 00:07:51.069597 )
BoletoHolmes { boletoId: '5656565656565656', created: '2020-07-23T00:07:40.611174+00:00', id: '3232323232323232', result: '', status: 'solving', tags: ['sherlock', 'holmes'], updated: '2020-07-23T00:07:51.611174+00:00' }
StarkBank\BoletoHolmes Object ( [id] => 3232323232323232 [boletoId] => 5656565656565656 [tags] => Array ( [0] => sherlock [1] => holmes ) [status] => solving [result] => [created] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2020-07-23 00:07:51.532473 [timezone_type] => 1 [timezone] => +00:00 ) [updated] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2020-07-23 00:07:51.532473 [timezone_type] => 1 [timezone] => +00:00 ) )
BoletoHolmes({ "tags": [ "sherlock", "holmes" ], "boletoId": "5656565656565656", "status": "solving", "result": "", "created": "2020-07-23T00:07:51.176283+00:00", "updated": "2020-07-23T00:07:51.176290+00:00", "id": "3232323232323232" })
boletoholmes( id: 3232323232323232, boleto_id: 5656565656565656, tags: ["sherlock", "holmes"], status: solving, result: , created: 2020-07-23T00:07:51+00:00, updated: 2020-07-23T00:07:51+00:00 )
StarkBank.BoletoHolmes{ boleto_id: "5656565656565656", created: ~U[2020-07-23 00:07:51.256963Z], id: "3232323232323232", result: "", status: "solving", tags: ["sherlock", "holmes"], updated: ~U[2020-07-23 00:07:51.256969Z] }
BoletoHolmes( BoletoID: '5656565656565656', Created: 07/23/2020 00:07:51, ID: 3232323232323232, Result: , Status: solving, Tags: { sherlock, holmes }, Updated: 07/23/2020 00:07:51, )
{ Id:3232323232323232 BoletoId:5656565656565656 Tags:[sherlock holmes] Status:solving Result: Created:2020-07-23 00:07:51.351907 +0000 +0000 Updated:2020-07-23 00:07:51.351914 +0000 +0000 }
{ :id 3232323232323232, :boleto-id 5656565656565656, :status solving, :result, :tags [sherlock holmes], :created 2020-07-23T00:07:51.467925+00:00, :updated 2020-07-23T00:07:51.467931+00:00 }
{ "message": "Boleto Holmes successfully created", "holmes": [ { "boletoId": "5656565656565656", "created": "2020-07-23T00:07:51.611174+00:00", "id": "3232323232323232", "result": "", "status": "solving", "tags": ["sherlock", "holmes"], "updated": "2020-07-23T00:07:51.611174+00:00" } ] }
When you create a boletoHolmes the status start as "solving".